
AHS is pleased to be the successful awardee of the Maryland Provider Enrollment, Re-Enrollment, Validation, and Update Services contract. We look forward to forming a strong partnership with the Maryland, and supporting the State in achieving its goals and vision for the program.

AHS is pleased to be the successful awardee of the Florida Enrollment Broker contract that extends our partnership with the State for an additional six years. We have been the State’s trusted Enrollment Broker since 2010 and are proud to have supported Florida through monumental programming changes, including implementing the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care program. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the State and achieving outstanding levels of service.

AHS congratulates the State of Nebraska on their successful launch of the Heritage Health Program. The Heritage Health Program allows Medicaid and CHIP consumers to receive care through a holistic delivery model that integrates medical, behavioral and pharmacy services. We are proud to have been the State’s enrollment broker during this transition and look forward to our continued partnership with Nebraska.

AHS is pleased to be the successful awardee of the Rhode Island Health Insurance Exchange (“HIX”) contract that allows us to serve as the state’s HIX contractor for seven years. We look forward to forming a strong partnership with the Rhode Island supporting the State in achieving its goals and vision, and responding to the changing needs and demands of the program.

AHS is pleased to be the successful awardee of the Nebraska Enrollment Broker contract that allows us to serve as the State’s enrollment broker for eight years. We look forward to forming a strong partnership with the Nebraska and supporting the State in achieving its goals and vision for the program.

AHS congratulates the State of Florida on the successful launch of the State’s Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) program that converted approximately three million Medicaid eligible recipients to a new program. We are proud of our partnership with the State as well as with our performance during this transition. Despite call volumes that tripled our traditional volume, we did not miss a single SLA during the transition. We are proud of the role we played in helping the State earn the compliments and respect of stakeholders.

“Molina Healthcare of Florida has been pleased with the seamless rollout and implementation of Florida’s SMMC program. As a result of our strong partnerships with the State, providers and community-based organizations, we have delivered on our commitment to provide Florida’s Medicaid population with high-quality health care. We are pleased to be able to assist new enrollees in the MMA program with a high-touch, innovative care model, allowing access to care management and assistance in coordinating services in various government programs, including Long-term Care and Medicare.”

  • David Pollack, President
    Molina Healthcare of Florida, Inc.

AHS is proud to have supported the State of Florida with launching the Long-Term Care (LTC) program that converted eligibles participating in long-term care to Medicaid managed care. We were aware of the vulnerability of the target population and conducted extensive field outreach and education to support the LTC consumers as they transitioned to the new program. Our efforts were tremendously successful in supporting the State with the transition.

“What began as an idea to achieve better health outcomes, create more patient choice and increase accountability to taxpayers resulted in reforms that now serve as a model for the nation. For the first time in our history, we will know exactly what we are getting for our health care investment, and our tough requirements for managed care plans mean the plans that spend wisely and improve patient health will succeed – the plans that don’t, won’t. I congratulate the Agency for Health Care Administration on its smooth rollout of these reforms, the most significant changes to this program since the 1960s.  I am proud of our work and look forward to continuing efforts to make Florida’s Medicaid program the most innovative in the nation.”

Representative Matt Hudson, Chair
House Healthcare Appropriations Committee

“The Statewide Medicaid Managed Care program has completed the managed care implementation for all 67 counties. Amerigroup Florida is happy to report that our Medicaid enrollees have experienced a smooth transition and the implementation is a huge success. Through careful planning and collaboration, Medicaid enrollees received the care and support they needed that ensured continuity of care. This was facilitated by AHCA’s timely and frequent information to the managed care organizations, Medicaid enrollees, stakeholders and providers of care.”

Rosy Cozad, President and CEO
Amerigroup Florida