
MESC 2019: AHCA/AHS Presentation Announcement

 Automated Health Systems is looking forward to showcasing our partnership and collaboration surrounding the development of innovative solutions with our longstanding client in Florida, the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). Mr. Damon Rich, Chief of Recipient and Provider Assistance for AHCA, and AHS Vice President of IT, Mr. Eng Tan, will present together at the upcoming Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC). MESC is an annual meeting for state, federal and private sector individuals to provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas related to Medicaid systems and heath policy affected by those systems. This year’s conference will be held in Chicago, IL from August 19-22.

The AHCA/AHS presentation entitled, “Modernizing the Member Service Experience for Florida Medicaid,” will focus on the technologies incorporated into operations in Florida that enhance overall service to members. In addition, a discussion about the importance of partnership during implementation of these innovations will be included.

The informative and enterprising presentation by the AHS team is scheduled for August 21 at 4:45pm in Room W183b. We look forward to sharing our insights with you!